Monday, June 16, 2008

Configuring Apache 2 HTTP Server on Solaris 10

How do you configure Apache 2 HTTP Server to run automatically on Solaris 10 using rc init scripts.

Log into the Solaris box as root, or su root.
Go to the /etc/init.d directory.
Copy the apache startup script to apache2
cp apache apache2

Change the group to sys
chgrp sys apache2
Next change the flags on the file to execute
chmod u+x apache2
Open the apache2 file with your favorite editor and modify the following lines:


as follows:


Check to make sure you have a valid httpd.conf file located in /etc/apache2. You can copy the httpd.conf-example file to httpd.conf. This will create a basic httpd.conf file.

Next go to the /etc/init.d directory and try executing the apache2 file. You should see something like this:

[dev1:init.d:root]#./apache2 start
httpd starting.
You can check your configuration by using a browser to check it.

Next you will want to configure it to start/stop at the various runlevels.

Go to /etc/rc0.d and add the following:
ln -s ../init.d/apache2 K17apache2
Go to /etc/rc1.d and add the following:
ln -s ../init.d/apache2 K17apache2
Go to /etc/rc3.d and add the following:
ln -s ../init.d/apache2 S51apache2
Go to /etc/rcS.d and add the following:
ln -s ../init.d/apache2 K17apache2

This will complete the configuration for your server. Next time you change run levels, or reboot, the Apache 2 HTTP Server will restart as you expect.


Zaphod commented on my page about using Solaris SMF. This is truly easier.

1. Check to make sure you have a valid httpd.conf file located in /etc/apache2. You can copy the httpd.conf-example file to httpd.conf. This will create a basic httpd.conf file.

2. Execute svcadm -v enable -rs apache2

3. You are now running on Apache2 on SMF.


Ed said...

Surely on Solaris 10 you use the smf framework which provides a module for apache2, not init.d scripts anymore, so it's a simple matter of:

1) Copy /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to httpd.conf

2) svcadm enable apache2


John Yeary said...

You are correct that using SMF is much easier. My example is strictly init scripts. I use SMF for other facilities like my application servers.

I added your remarks as an addendum to the post.

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