Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sun Java System Application Server 9.x (glassfish) External JNDI LDAP Resource Part I

I read the SJSAS Administration Guide to determine how to set up an external JNDI Resource. In my case, I wanted to simply provide another method to talk to LDAP outside of the security context. The Administration Guide is helpful...but incorrect. I have included the steps required to connect to an external LDAP server below. This works with OpenLDAP and SunONE Directory Server 5.2. The syntax should be similar on other systems.

  • An LDAP server. I use both OpenLDAP and SunONE Directory Server
  • Sun Java System Application Server 9.x (Project Glassfish). I am using Glassfish V2 Build 37

1. Log into the glassfish administration console.
2. Navigate to the Resources --> JNDI --> External Resources tree.

3. Create a new JNDI External Resource (see image below)
  • JNDI Name: pick a unique name for the resource. I prefix mine with ldap e.g. ldap/myldap
  • Resource Type: javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext
  • Factory Class: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
  • JNDI Lookup: this would be your BaseDN e.g. dc=bluelotusholdings,dc=com

4. Check to make sure that the resource was created correctly and that it appears in the server JNDI Browser. If it does, you have configured it correctly. To find the JNDI Browser go to Application Server --> JNDI Browsing.

5. You should see something that looks like the image below. Please note the organizationalUnit (ou) ou=people and ou=groups are displayed as nodes in the BaseDN.


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